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Pet Parent Website Design

the community based information resourse for your pets

mobile | ux/ui | branding | hackathon


1 week hackathon


Pet care, education


UI design, Branding 

 ✽  Introduction

This project was completed as a part of the General Assembly cross-collaborative hackathon. I worked on a team with 2 other designers and 2 developers in a 1-week timeline to research, design, develop, and present the project.

The theme for this hackathon was "create an informational resource for pet owners: this can be a website or application that pet owners can use to track behavior, find resources, connect with services, or engage with community members." 

 ✽  Research

We decided to narrow down our target users to first-time pet owners to narrow down the scope of our research for the sake of time. Since this was a 7-day hackathon, we only had 3 days for research and design so that the devs could complete their part.

We conducted user interviews with first-time pet owners to pinpoint the main problem areas. We found that users rely on Google, YouTube, and Reddit for answers to their questions. They find social media extremely helpful because the comments and interactions provide so much valuable information, that you may not get otherwise. First-time pet owners are looking for local community members for guidance and help during the firt couple of months and found that facebook groups were very helpful.

Lo-Fi wireframes

In this case, the lo-fi screens weren't necessary for testing but instead, so that the dev team could start building the layout while we worked out the visual design for the mid-fi prototype. 

 ✽  Visual Identity

While the team was working with the devs to finalize the layout, I started the mid-fi wireframes and we decided to change some sections because it would not be possible to code in the time that we had. 

Mid-Fi Screens

While the team was working with the devs to finalize the layout, I started the mid-fi wireframes and we decided to change some sections because it would not be possible to code in the time that we had. 


Pet owners lack access to comprehensive and reliable digital resources and community-rated services for meeting their pets' needs, hindering informed decision-making and optimal care.

Existing digital platforms lack comprehensive resources and trustworthy recommendations, hindering pet owners' ability to make informed decisions and provide optimal care for their animals.

transforming problems into
joyful and accessible solutions

© 2024 by Ishita Gupta. Made with love

 ✽  Solution

Our solution is a community-based platform that provides pet owners with comprehensive resources and trustworthy recommendations.

By incorporating forums and filtration options, pet owners can now easily find tailored solutions for their pet's needs, from locating reputable services to accessing expert advice. By centralizing information and fostering community collaboration, our platform empowers pet owners to make informed decisions and provide optimal care for their animals.

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